Doctors to pay for deaths during strike
Lucknow: The high court on Friday said doctors at Lucknow’s King George’s Medical University would pay for deaths caused by their recent four-day strike. The court said a panel would find out, within two months, the number of deaths caused because of the strike, and the doctors would pay Rs 25 lakh to each affected family. The government would pay the money, and deduct it from the doctors’ salaries, the court said.
The pinch of doctors’ absence in government hospitals was not felt by political, administrative and judicial class because they preferred private facilities, the court said. Principals of state medical college and the vice chancellor of KGMU have been directed to identify those who had been on strike and deny them allowances, salary and honorarium as also extend their training period by the duration of striking period. In order to curb such strikes in future, the court directed government to prepare a permanent record of doctors’ conduct and make it public on the internet. The permanent appraisal record of all striking doctors will be put up on a website and will be communicated to Medical Council of India (MCI) for consideration of license cancellation or suspension of services. Guidelines and conduct rules for all state doctors will also be put on the website within three months.
Source: TOI