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Violence against doctors at LHMC, doctors go on strike

There was yet another incidence of violence against doctors at LHMC hospital in Delhi, where the resident doctors were beaten up, bitten and assaulted by the attendants of a patient. In protest the doctors went on strike.


NEW DELHI: Three resident doctors at Lady Hardinge Medical College were today allegedly assaulted by the relatives of a three-year-old girl who died after being brought in there in critical condition, prompting the doctors of LHMC and and its two associated hospitals to go on strike in protest of violence against doctors.

One of the doctors on duty was also bitten on his arm by one of the relatives.

violence against doctors

According to a senior resident doctor of the hospital, the girl was brought to the hospital late last night in a critical condition.

“The girl was brought in at the paediatrics ward in a critical condition and the family was told that her chances of survival was grim. She passed away at around 5 am following which her parents called up their relatives.

“Within some time, a mob came to the and attacked the resident doctors on duty. Even the security guards had vanished from the scene. One of the relatives of the deceased girl also bit a doctor,” said the doctor.

After the incident, around 1,200 resident doctors the Lady Hardinge Medical College and its two associated hospitals have gone on strike demanding enhancement of security in the hospital and arrest of the culprits.

“We have been asking for upgrading the security in the hospital premises in terms of number of guards and installing CCTV cameras. At the time of incident, the guards ran away and also the few CCTVs that are installed in the hospital were not working,” said a member from resident doctors’ association at LHMC.

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