Medical Law

Doctors protest against the PC PNDT act

285861-241860-birthIn protest against severe punishment for minor violations in PC-PNDT act, Radiologists, Obstetricians, Cardiologists and other medical professionals using USG machines went on a nationwide strike on April 15th 2015.

Ministry of Health and Family welfare, concerned over decreasing Female:Male ratio, is pulling string over diagnostic radiology setups and professionals under PC-PNDT act for the prevention of determination of sex of foetus and female foeticide.


LUDHIANA: Representatives of Ludhiana Obstetric and Gynaecological Society (LOGS), Ludhiana Imaging and Diagnostic Centres Association (LIDA), Doctors Opposing Sex Selection Termination of Pregnancy (DOSST) and Indian Medical Association, Ludhiana today met the ADC,(D) Shri Supreet Gulati and Civil Surgeon Dr Renu Chhatwal in the wake of the nationwide strike of  ultrasonologists against PCPNDT Act in its present form………….

………….Skewed sex ratio is a cause of concern for all sections  of society.  Inspite  of PCPNDT  act being  in force  for  more  than  two  decades and  its strict  implementation rather over implementation  and  misuse , there is no significant change in sex ratio. The Ultra sound technology is an excellent diagnostic tool for medical fraternity and for patients and has played a significant role in bringing down perinatal morbidity and mortality and maternal morbidity rates.

It is very  surprising  that  for all violations minor or  major  the punishment  is  same. Which means that  for any  clerical  mistake in  filling up  the form or  any  such minor errors  on one  hand and or actually doing  sex  determination, quantum of punishment is the same i.e. your  machine is  sealed , you are prosecuted.

Our demands:-

1. Ultra sound machine should not come under the purview of PCPNDT act, as it is basic requirement nowadays.
2. For any violation of the PC/PNDT  act  the punishment should be  graded.
3. The parents  and close  family members  who instigate  are  are  actually involved  in female  foeticide and infanticide  should  be booked  and punished  under the  law  for  murder.
4. Because this act  has  not  yielded the desired  results for the last two  decades,  So the actual reasons of  deteriorating sex  ratio – should be analyzed  & corrective action  should be taken..
5. Every pregnancy should be tracked from conception till delivery

NASHIK: Radiologists across the city and the district observed a day’s strike on Wednesday seeking amendments to the the Pre-Conception and Pre-Natal Diagnostic Techniques (PCPNDT) Act to relieve them of alleged harassment.

Through a memorandum, the Nashik Radiologist and Imaging Association (NRIA) sought help from (Nashik) guardian minister Girish Mahajan, MP Hemant Godse, municipal commissioner Praveen Gedam and civic medical superintendent B R Gaikwad with the amendments.

The radiologists said the PCPNDT Act had become “draconian for all practising sonologists and radiologists” instead of serving the purpose of saving the girl child. They alleged that the Act had become “a harassing tool” in the hands of the authorities implementing it.

Doctors in Bhopal staged a protest on Wednesday against some provisions in the Pre-Conception and Pre-Natal Diagnostic Techniques (PCPNDT) Act that recommends harsh punishment even for minor “clerical” mistakes.


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