EditorialMedical Professionals in IndiaPublic Health

For how long should a doctor suffer?

Today after the first day of mass resignation by more than 9000 in service doctors in rajasthan, the reaction of media both print and television was very disappointing. Media directly started blaming doctors for non sensitivity regarding patients and that patients are suffering because of doctors and doctors only. Media cast a picture that only doctors are not understanding and that they should continue without reaigning from their work. They also portray doctors as “धरती का भगवान”


Everyone from media to political parties have suggestions for doctors to not protest and to do talks and talks and talks forever. Everyone expect doctors to ask for their demands calmly without demonstrating any anger or protest for their rights because doctors are in noble profession. As a doctor, today i also have some questions and suggestions for MEDIA and for public representatives.


  1. For how long should doctors tolerate violence against them: incidences of violence against doctors is on a rise. In most cases there is no mistake of medical staff. Most incidences are either due to delay in bringing the patient to hospitals or due to extra restlessness of attendants  On one place where public want to say doctor as nobel profession, but how many really accept this in true spirit and they hardly give the respect a nobel profession deserves. Media who gives option on doctors, show strong protest and anger when they are abused by public, or their property is damages by public. No one tolerates violence. So my question is it wrong if we ask for better security at hospitals and strict rules against violence?

    Brutal assault on doctor
  2. For how long should a doctor work non-stop: Govt want a doctor to work 24*7*365 but is it really possible. A doctor is also a human being who need food, rest, sleep like everyone else. Looking at the present scenario, 99% PHCs have only one medical officer who has to provide medical services all the time, most CHCs and district hospitals have less than half posts filled and only 2-3 doctors are managing the work of six to eleven posts. Govt always tend to ignore things when it comes to fill vacancies at govt hospitals. This cause exhaustion and mental stress among medical officers which decrease their quality of life and also affect the performance. How many other departments work in this way. Govt does not want to recognize the excessive extra work done by medical offices due to govt’s insufficiency when playing the blame game in media against doctors. Do you think it’s wrong if we demand fixed working hours and increase / filling vacant posts of doctors? This will also improve health care infrastructure.
  3. Doctors also have equal expenses: Doctors are also regular citizens of country and have family etc which requires equal monetary expenses as other people. So is it wrong in asking for allowances like rural allowance, travel allowance and postmortem allowance?  These allowances are not any special demand, these are the rights of a worker. If we look at allownaces a minister or a bureaucrats enjoy, what doctors is asking is just a drop in a ocean. Why so special treatment can be given to politicians and bureaucrats and not doctors when doctors also work day and night, in villages and hard areas without breaking a sweat. The condition is such that most of the times doctors have to spend from their own pocket to reach to far flung medical camps like Arogya Rajasthan camp, Vidhayak apke dwar camps etc traveling 20-30 km for camps on their own expense. Isn’t it the responsibility of government to provide conveyance to medical team for government camps. Those who compare doctors with other essential services, shroud think that doctors do not enjoy any of the special benefit as that of other essential services like defense etc.
  4. धरती का भगवन : हमारी मीडिया डॉक्टर्स को धरती का भगवान् कहने में कतई देरी नहीं करती । पर मुझे इस बात का शक है की डॉक्टर को क्या सच में लोग भगवन समझते है या सिर्फ कुछ मासूम लोगो को भ्रमित करने के लिए और अपना उल्लू सीधा करने के लिए डॉक्टर को भगवन कह कर उनको शोषित किया जाता है । भारत में देखे तो मंदिर/मश्जिद को प्राप्त होने वाला चढ़ावा करोडो अरबो में है । मंदिरों में हजारो खर्च कर्च करने में जनता तनिक विचार नहीं करती , जिस भगवन के साक्षात्कार दुर्लभ है उनके सत्कार में खर्च किया जा सकता है पर अगर आपका धरती का भगवान् डॉक्टर, जो दिन रात मानव सेवा में लगा रहता है वो अपनी फीस मांग ले तो तुरंत राक्षस बन जाता है । अरे डॉक्टर कभी खुद को भगवान् नहीं कहता , डॉक्टर तो खुद भगवन की दें है जो मानव सेवा में लगा हुआ है पर उसका भी परिवार है और परिवार चलने के लिए धरती के भगवन से भी पैसे मांगे जाते है तो अगर डॉक्टर्स अपनी सैलरी में समय  के साथ बढोतरी चाहता है तो क्या गलत है
  5. Where should doctors stay: Media and govt always blame doctors that they do not stay at their place of posting. There is gross misrepresentation in this fact. At most CHCs where residential quarters are available, doctors are staying in that. This is also beneficial and convenient for doctors also because daily up and down from city is costly and tiring. The truth is even today, many PHCs does not have doctors quarter available and where there are quarters, the building and very old and no repairs has been done and so are inhabitable. So is it wrong if doctors demand proper residential quarters to stay. If government wants doctors to stay at posting place, is it not their responsibility to provide basic requirements of housing , electricity and drinking water. Govt spare no time in putting blame on doctors, but has it even worked on their responsibility.
  6. Is asking for career growth a crime: Every human being work to improve his skills and for career growth. They why consider doctors as exception. Ministers use all sorts of tricks and lies to win elections, which is to build a career, other professionals also work tooth and nail to grow in their fields. So if a doctor ask for Career progression (DACP), is it a crime, does he not deserve the progress equally as other departments. If a govt doctor who spend half his time in villages treating patients, ask for benefits in PG entrance exam for career progression, is it not fair.?
So what will a doctor do, if he is assaulted, living under mental tension and minimal standards of living. Every human being has a right to choose his/her workplace and job. When on repeated humble request, government fail to improve the working conditions of doctors, what is the option left with them. TO QUIT.


Finally i have a few lines for Humans’ Rights Commission who conveniently blamed doctors for exploiting Human Rights, without proper facts and doing their homework. I ask them to answer few things


  1. Are doctors not humans?
  2. Doesn’t doctors have rights to basic needs and compensation for their hard work?
  3. What happens to the HRC when a doctor is assaulted and stay in ICU for weeks.?
  4. Why don’t they speak when doctors serve day and night without saying a work in calamities and emergencies.

We understand the hardships faced by patients, but who is responsible for that. We are peacefully requesting the government for last 6 years. How much longer do you think doctors should suffer due to irresponsibility of government.

Dr. Mradul

Dr. Mradul is a Public Health Physician and a Hospital Administrator. He has special interest in patient safety and preventive medicine.

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