Case Reports

A rare case of Giant Lipoma

An interesting and rare case of Giant Lipoma of thigh, operated successfully at Bhiwani, India.

Shared byDr. Tushar Mehta (Facebook Page)

Case: A 48-year-old male presented with huge thigh swelling for last 2 years. X Ray was done, which was suggestive of Soft tissue tumor – Lipoma, which was further confirmed on MRI. The patient was taken for surgery. He was successfully operated by Dr. Tushar Mehta, MBBS DNB (Ortho) and Dr. Sanjay Singla, MBBS MS at Apex Trauma Center, Singla Superspeciality Hospital, Bhiwani, India.

The post operative mass of the tumor was around 1.5 kg and dimensions of 30 cm x 25 cm. The tumor of this size and mass is a rare finding and has been reported quite a few times. 

External Appearance of thigh swelling


Lipoma excision
Post Operative appearance
Discussion: A Lipoma is a benign tumor made up of fat tissue. Lipomas are the most common benign soft tissue tumor. Commonly lipomas are small tumors but the size differs. They are most commonly found on the upper back, shoulders, arms, buttocks, and upper thighs. Less commonly, these tumors can be found in deeper tissue of the thigh, shoulder, or calf.

Although lipomas can occur at any age, they most often appear between the ages of 40 and 60 years. They are the most common soft tissue tumor found in adults, and occur slightly more often in men than in women.

Giant lipomas like this case, are very rare. Only a few cases are reported in literature. The giant lipomas have more tendency to have recurrence and sarcomatous changes.

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