EditorialMedical NEWSMedical Professionals in India

Doctors from around Nation comes forward in support of Rajasthan Doctors

Summarizing the issue of government doctors agitation in Rajasthan, the government doctors in Rajasthan are silently protesting for their valid demands for last 6 to 7 months in Rajasthan. Continuing with their protest all government doctors in Rajasthan went on strike from 6th to 12th November 2017 after that on 12th November a MOU was signed between Government and in service doctor Association and a 18 point agreement was reached between the doctors and the government but after that the state government started hostile actions against doctors by transferring the leaders of doctors association to other places and did not respect the MOU and did not remove the RAS placed in Medical department.

ARISDA also alleged that no direct clear-cut action were taken on any of the points in MOU. There also incidence when the RAS officer placed at Medical and Health Department also harassed lady doctor who was pregnant 9 months and came to him for salary issues for last 6 months. Due to all this harassment and oppressive actions of government, in service doctors Association declared strike again from 18th of December but government started Harrison doctors and arresting doctors 3 days before the declared strike and government started arresting doctors from the evening of 15th December.

Due to such unjust and harassing actions of government, Doctors associations and Resident doctors association from around the country like UP, MP, Chattisgarh, Assam, Kerala, Tamil Nadu, Punjab etc. came forward in support of InService doctors of Rajasthan and wore black batches on 22/12/2017.


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Doctors in Mathura wearing black batch

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Doctors in Chattisgarh

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Doctors at Sitapur, UP


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Doctors at Punjab

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Mizoram doctors wearing black ribbons

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Doctors at Orrisa in support of ARISDA



A dedicated Medical Community

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