New in service quota rules for PG in Rajasthan
On the lines of UP and MP, now Rajasthan govt. also changed the rules for reservation in Post Graduate seats in the state for In service doctors serving in rural areas. As per the Supreme Court ruling, 50% reservation for in service doctors is unconstitutional, and in place the doctors can be given incentive in form of percentage of marks obtained in entrance exam. SC advised to give 10% marks for each year of service and upto 30% maximum incentive. But Raj. Govt has modified the rule to give only 10% marks after the total service of 2 years in rural areas. Look at the below clipping.
This way, the gov. has totally undermined the ruling of SC and also the in service doctors will be in huge disadvantage, of 20% marks as compared to the actual ruling by SC.
Difficult and Desert Areas
The second thing which is changed in the notification of 20th March 2017 is the govt. has removed the distinction between difficult/desert areas and other rural areas. In Rajasthan, a few rural areas are classified as desert/difficult due to the hardships faced in these areas. These areas include rural areas of , for eq. Barmer, Jaiselmer, Jodhpur , Nagore etc. The doctors working in these desert and difficult areas were getting the quota in 2 yrs of service in place of 3 yrs in other rural areas. The new system has changed that. Now all the rural areas are considered equal. This in turn will cause shortage of doctors in these areas because most doctors will tend to avoid these areas and try to get postings in non difficult rural areas.
This notification has cause a stir in the Rajasthan govt doctors community and most associations are coming forward to fight against this rule passed by the Rajasthan govt.