This agreement was written in English (US). To the extent any translated version of this agreement conflicts with the English version, the English version controls.
Date of Last Revision: 10/11/2017
I. General Terms of Use of MedSpace Websites
1. Definations:
- The Sites means any website and portals under domain of MedSpace.co.in.
- Users means visitors and members of websites.
2. MedSpace Websites and Portals are made specifically for the use of Medical and Paramedical Professionals only. The content may not be suitable for the use of non-medical users.
3. Any medical content available on The Sites are for informational purpose only and not intended as a medical advice. The content should not be used as medical advice for any kind of health condition and as a substitute to Doctor’s Advice.
4. For all legal matters the area of jurisdiction will be Jodhpur, Rajasthan, India.
5. This license shall automatically terminate if you violate any of these restrictions and may be terminated by MedSpace at any time. Upon terminating your viewing of these materials or upon the termination of this license, you must destroy any downloaded materials in your possession whether in electronic or printed format.
6. MedSpace site is a multiauthor and multiparticipant community website. The content in form of articles, posts, reply including images, documents, videos etc represent the point of views of the author who posted the content.
7. Any opinion, suggestions etc expressed by any member and author of the site are their own and do not represent the views of the site or it’s admins. Content posted by any user other than the admins of the site, will not represent the views of the site, or it’s admins.
II. MedSpace Forums Terms of Service (TOS)
MedSpace Forums is the discussion forums for medicos and doctors. MedSpace allows it’s users to share their thoughts publicly on the public forums. The content available on MedSpace forums are posts made by their users and hence MedSpace team cannot be directly held responsible for the content. However the moderator team keep watch on the content and remove the unwanted content and policy violations from time to time. If any inappropriate content is noticed by anyone, please send the details on hello@MedSpace.co.in
The following terms of service applies to the usage of MedSpace Forums. These are in addition to above mentioned terms. These terms are based on general common sense.
It is your responsibility to keep yourself updated about any change in these terms of service as they can be updated without any notice.
These are the most important rules, violation of which might lead to an immediate ban, without prior warning.
1. Civil behavior at all places of website at all times.
2. No sharing of any copyright content, which you are not permitted to share.
3. The primary language should be English for posting any content. You should avoid using any other language.
4. No adult or explicit content is allowed on the website even in private conversations.
5. Sharing of Personal information including phone numbers and address is not allowed on public areas on the website.
A. Registration and Participation
1. Registration:
Registration and use of MedSpace is restricted to people above 18 yrs of age and related to medical of allied fields.
1.1. Most of the parts of Forums require you to register on the site to use it. This is compulsory for all. All registration requires a valid email ID where the confirmation link will be sent.
1.2. You can choose your username of your choice based on availability. Inappropriate (inflammatory, vulgar, promotional, long and or rude) usernames are not allowed and will be removed by the moderation staff without prior notice.
1.3. You will not provide any false information on forums, or create an account for anyone other (impersonation of others) than yourself.
1.4. You will not create more than one personal account.
1.5. You will not use your account primarily for commercial gain and promotional activity of any kind without prior permission from the staff.
2. Posting
2.1. Posting at appropriate place – members can post relevant content and posts in a forum, and Groups and activity. It is expected of all members to post content at relevant places of forums and groups.
2.2. The primary language of forums is English. You are expected to post mainly in English language. Any non-English language posts should be accompanied by a translation of the same.
2.3. Post title should be descriptive enough to give an indication of the content of the post e.g. if you are asking a nagging question, the title should contain the words indicating the subject area of the question and a word about the specific topic.
2.4. Post title should not contain special characters like (but not limited to) html coding, bbcode, /,#,{,~,*,$ etc.
2.5. Post titles and post content should never contain the following:
- Brand names or trademarks, For example names of coaching institutes, title of books or publishers etc.
- Name of a person where explicit consent has not been obtained. For examples names of the authors of popular books.
- Contact information and personal details in the public areas of the website. e.g. phone numbers, whatsapp numbers, or any others. It is ok to share such information in private messages.
2.6. Multiple identical posts: While it might be tempting to make same post across several groups and forums to attract more eyeballs, it creates confusion and inconvenience by burying other useful posts. This type of behaviour is considered spamming and appropriate action (warnings, temporary or permanent bans depending on severity.
2.7. Adult content: MedSpace strictly prohibit posting of any kind of adult and sexually explicit content. Links or pictures to adult content, pages with links to adult content, near adult content, any pictures of models, actors and actresses are not allowed and will be removed as soon as possible or when they are reported. Any discussion of those are not allowed. Posting of adult material will lead to permanent ban immediately.
2.8. Netiquette – We believe that doctors do not need reminding of the rules of civil behavior and etiquette, which apply in online world as much they do in the real world. However if you need an authoritative reference to look up for any specific guidance on online behavior, please visit http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc1855
2.9. We would not usually remove any discussion on personal request if it has been posted into by any other member and the thread does not violate Terms of service. This is because the groups or forum discussion threads, once posted into by others, become collective property. This is important as it means that deletion of your account does not mean an automatic deletion of discussion threads started by you. However if you have genuine reasons for the removal of a thread, please do not hesitate to explain them to us.
2.10. Reviews – MedSpace welcomes honest reviews. However to prevent misuse of forums for covert advertising, we do not allow members with less than 20 valid posts to post reviews. Please do not get offended if your post is removed without warning for not following this guidance.
2.11.Respect for others
2.11.1. You are always expected to be respectful of other members, the system, the policies, terms of service, the staff, the moderators and the administrators.
2.11.2. Disrespect to any existing or ex-member, people enumerated in clause 2.11.1 or any other person or public figure are not tolerated and such posts will be removed on first instance. The poster of such a message might be banned forever along with the IP address and email depending on the seriousness of the act. In very serious acts of disrespect MedSpace might take proactive actions like (but not limited to) a formal complaint with local relevant authorities or legal measures. MedSpace is serious about issues of disrespect and do enforce this clause strictly.
2.12. Signatures: Inappropriate, commercialized, offensive signatures will be edited at first notice. The staff’s decision will be final on this aspect and it can not be discussed in public forums.
2.13. Avatars: Inappropriate, commercialized, offensive, gory, explicit, vulgar or large avatars will be removed at first notice. The staff’s decision will be final on this aspect and it cannot be discussed in public forums.
2.14. Links
2.14.1. Affiliate based URLs are not allowed anywhere in forums including all the forums. Special permissions can be granted to moderators, and very active contributors to use appropriate affiliate link with prior permission from MedSpace staff in special circumstances.
2.14.2. Posting links to any website (other than those in MedSpace network) is a deemed violation of MedSpace TOS and appropriate action will be taken against the member.
2.14.3. If you want to cite any content on such websites, please summarize it in your own words and post it. If you want to mention the source, mention it by name and not by link e.g. timesofindia.com should be mentioned as Times of India and not otherwise.
2.14.4. Posting links to online and offline coaching institutes, links to Publisher’s websites or links to buy books etc online are not allowed on MedSpace.
2.15.1. There is no restriction on sharing URLs of educational institutions.
2.15.2. Posting links to abstracts of various indexed journals are allowed. Although posting links to full texts of paid journals are not allowed in public areas of forum.
2.15.3. There is no restriction on moderators, staff or administrators posting links to an external website. However, if you feel that a staff member or moderator is abusing this privilege, you are welcome to report it to us within the terms.
B. MedSpace Rights.
1. Moderation in forums
1.1. All parts of forums are fully moderated in accordance with our policy of “managed community”.
1.2. Discussions about staff, moderator or administrator actions are welcome in private messages or support emails, but should not be discussed in public areas or elsewhere. This is out of respect for the members and moderators or policy involved.
1.3. Periodically the Moderators of forums will post his or her comments, but they may not necessarily reflect the opinions of MedSpace or its employees.
2. Right to edit
2.1. We (staff or moderators) reserve an exclusive right to edit any post in a way we feel is appropriate. Usually this this done for greater common benefit of the community or for making your post more relevant. Most of the reasons for editing your post are being enumerated below:
The following list is indicative and not exhaustive.
a) To make the post title more descriptive. This include adding tags like “FAQ”, “Library”, “Tips” etc. to the existing title in order to classify the posts.
b) To remove disallowed characters in title or inappropriate words in posts, in the way staff or moderators deems fit.
c) Because your posting may be more relevant to another on-going discussion, or it might cover a topic already discussed, it may be moved as staff or moderators sees fit.
d) Because your post might duplicate an existing discussion or if the moderators or staff feels appropriate, it might be merged with another existing thread with or without any notice. This usually done for greater common benefit and not indiscriminately.
e) MedSpace is not a place for direct or indirect advertisements. It will be the sole discretion of staff and its moderators as to what constitutes an advertisement. All posts presumed to be overt or subliminal advertisements will be removed.
f) Claims of action, flames, and calls to action against any group, government, company or individual are removed on first notice.
3. Rights of content and licence
3.1. Rights to content: MedSpace is a community websites where the content is generated by the members of community. The members (You) are the primary owner of the content and information you post on MedSpace, and you can control how it is shared. Our current licence allows authors to use their own articles/posts for their own “non-commercial” purposes without seeking permission.
3.2. For content that is covered by intellectual property rights, like photos and videos, you specifically give us the following permission: you grant us a non-exclusive, transferable, sub-licensable, royalty-free, worldwide license to use any that you post on or in connection to MedSpace.
3.3. When you publish content or information using the Public setting, it means that you are allowing everyone, including people off of MedSpace, to access and use that information, and to associate it with you (i.e., your name and profile picture).
3.4. MedSpace contain user generated material. Therefore it is fair that we ban any commercial use of any material posted in MedSpace and license the content under Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike license (CC BY-NC-SA). This license lets others remix, tweak, and build upon forum content non-commercially, as long as MedSpace website is credited and the new creations are licensed under the identical terms.
3.5. MedSpace reserves the right to use the content including text, images or videos for non-commercial or commercial activities. Examples of commercial use include, but are not limited to: use in any material in any form that eventually requires users to pay for access, use in books, course notes, classroom coaching, copying on other websites that carry advertising etc
3.6. We always appreciate your feedback or other suggestions about MedSpace, but you understand that we may use them without any obligation to compensate you for them (just as you have no obligation to offer them).
C. Usage of content
You can not copy and retransmit any information out of any part of MedSpace if you are accessing it in violation of our general terms of service (i.e. you are not a medical/dental student or a doctor/dentist).
D. Abuse
As a beneficiary from the system, we expect you to report to us any instance of abuse or TOS violation anywhere.
If you are a victim of the abuse, you can contact us and report it. We assure swift and satisfying action on any abuse reports.
You can contact us at email id hello@MedSpace.co.in for any abuse related matter.
III. Non compete clause
By using MedSpace you agree that you would not get involved in activities which would pose any commercial or non commercial competition to MedSpace website. This can include, but not limited to, setting up a similar service, promoting your service by using The Site user generated content, posting links to your or other similar services. You are not allowed to use The Site if you do not agree with this clause.
IV. Disclaimers
This clause provides General Disclaimer for all the sites (Domains and Sub domains) of MedSpace.co.in
Site specific disclaimers if any are present on the respective sites of MedSpace.
Disclaimer About the Various Notifications Posted on MedSpace sites.
MedSpace in any way is not associated with any of the Institutions like AIIMS, NBE, PGI and various other Educational or Medical Institutions present in India or outside India. MedSpace is independent website.
The posts etc available on any of the websites associated with MedSpace are for informational purposes only for benefit of Medical and Paramedical students. It is advised that no final decision should be made by the visitors solely on the basis of information on our sites and they are advised to always check the information on the official websites of respective institutions.
Disclaimer About the Information (‘Content’) available on MedSpace sites.
Sites related to MedSpace are specifically designed and meant to be used by Medical Students, Medical Professional and Paramedical Professionals.
The material available on the MedSpace.co.in are not meant for non medical people.
The contents of the MedSpace Sites, such as text, graphics, images, and other material contained on the MedSpace Sites (“Content”) are for informational purposes only. The Content is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition. Never disregard professional medical advice or delay in seeking it because of something you have read on the MedSpace.
The Site may contain health- or medical-related materials that are sexually explicit. If you find these materials offensive, you may not want to use our Site. The Site and the Content are provided on an “as is” basis.