Why doctors are forced to go on STRIKES?
Following for a long time on various social media group of our doctors plight and the frustration level building. We all had now started demanding strikes like others but We are DOCTORS and are responsible citizen of Society, serving humanity. We are not supposed to and it should not be done. Than what??
Are we Secure…?
We are labelled as Most CRUEL and CORRUPT by sensational media reporting, how society will respond too?
Now copying the article of Dr. Rahul Jain;
Why the thought of strike, boycott, cease-work, pen-down, non-cooperation come into our mind?
Like other Govt. Employees, are we asking for a raise for ourselves?
Like some corrupt people in high places, are we looking for disproportionate income for our coming 14 generations and power for ourselves?
Are we looking for any sort of monetary gain? Perks? Promotion? Position? Fame? Extra benefits? Any undue advantages?
No, no, no and an emphatic NO!
So what do we want?
We simply want a proper set-up (proportionate to the demand of the society) to enable us to do our job properly.
Sufficient resources, proper working atmosphere, not to get beaten up for doing the best we can within the limited means provided.
We don’t have the power to increase the health budget which is so very essential.
We don’t have the power to improve infrastructure, manpower.
We ourselves are already working overtime, beyond our capacity.
Just think of the hundreds of village health centers manned by two, or some places by only one doctor working 24x7x365, year after year without any rest or leave.
You think it is justified?
Even daily wage workers work not more than 8 hrs a day.
Speaking of manpower – a myth has been propagated that everything is awry because there are no Doctors.
Doctors are a very small portion of the workforce needed in health care – we are hugely lacking behind the requisite numbers of nurses, paramedical staffs, technicians, record keepers, storekeepers, clerks, group D staffs, sweepers, cleaners, ward boys, drivers, receptionists to answer queries and handle telephone calls, social welfare workers, people who will give proper information, help and guidance to the patients and their kins in emergency, maintain liaison with the core staffs.
Do you suppose you need more doctors to keep the premises clean?
More doctors to get simple information as to where is the radiology department or what are the timings of the blood bank? how to fill up a form?
In a ward full of over 100 patients why are there only 4 or 5 nurses? Why not 20? So that you can get attention of one easily? In a pvt hospital you have 2 nurses for every patient if not more.
A centralised system is lacking where all information is available so that a person is not harassed, running from pillar to post in time of need.
These are what you get in a corporate setup.
Do you believe that our Govt. Is poorer than the owner of a corporate hospital that it cannot arrange for this?
This will make the health system so much more patient friendly and at the same time generate so many employments!
Why is it not done? Where is the catch?
If all this work is dumped on the Doctors then when will he treat the patient?
Not only in medical colleges.
Why can’t we expect set up like this in our Primary Health Centers in villages.
Rather you find a few doctors and a few nurses are all there is in a health centre – who are struggling to carry on a teams load alone and naturally are unable to do anything properly.
We want to tell the authorities what is lacking, want to be heard by them so that they do something about it – and not dismiss the issues with the traditional “सब झूठ है” dialogue.
We want to reach the common man and tell them the true constraints of the present day healthcare.
We trust the people, we know that if they are made aware of the practical scenario they will empathise with us, extend their helping hand and cooperate.
But our voice is either being throttled by the Administration, Govt, or drowned in the deluge of fake, lopsided and sensationalised Media reporting.
We have tried to draw their (Govt. Administration, Judiciary, Press) and everybody’s attention by all sorts of peaceful and non disruptive means.
Wearing batches, peaceful marches and conventions, bilateral dialogues over and over and over again – to return with empty and false promises EVERY time.
We have waited patiently for far more than the reasonable time they need to respond.
All the while silently suffering but still continuing to do our job of caring for the sick and ailing – but the authorities have chosen to turn a deaf ear to our plea’s.
Every day the rampant hooliganism is increasing in geometric progression, while we are being punished for no fault of ours by unheard of measures.
Astronomical penalties which are ridiculous,
cancelling registration without fair hearing,
imposition of impossible dictates,
criminalising us for any unfavourable outcome (be it in our hands or not),
branding complications as negligence,
even putting responsibility of the lack of infrastructure on our shoulders.
Now we have got our back to the wall.
We have run out of options.
We find we have been left with no other means, other than cease-work (which we want to avoid always), to draw the attention of the people to the sorry state of affairs.
This is a humble request to anybody who might be listening –
Before we are compelled to take a drastic step –
Please listen to our voice, our plea’s, – do something.
Please tell us what are we supposed to do next – so that we do not have to hear from you AFTER we go on strike –
“Wasn’t there any other way?”
Tell us NOW and we will do it.
But do not ask that question later.
All state government and central government need to take urgent actions to improve health care conditions. Due to poor conditions not only doctors are frustated but it is harmful for patients also.